
Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Dear Career Sensei

Dear Career Sensei,

A friend sent me your post on switching careers and while I found it insightful, I think that it is not practical in my case.

You see, I am 38yrs old with over 10 years experience as a bank teller. I feel very unfulfilled at my job as it is too monotonous and there aren't many growth prospects (have you ever heard of a Chief Teller Officer?). I would really love a career in Public Relations because I always had a flair for public speaking, writing and I really enjoy engaging people in deep, meaningful conversations but I feel that my first degree in Computer Science and post-graduate diploma are unrelated to my dream career.

Even if I take your advice of educating myself by taking PR courses and certifications, by the time I'm done I would be at least 40. Would any firm hire a 40yr old greenhorn?

Yours truly,

Sick and Tired Bank Teller

Dear Sick and Tired,

I'll just start by saying it's never too late to start over. There are many cases of pensioners ventured and succeeded in new and different fields after retiring from their first careers. 

The good news for you is that a career in PR isn't hinged on degrees but on the possession of some  fundamental skills which include communication, writing, research, and creativity which you already possess. To gain insight as to what PR practice entails, you can take some online courses as well as apply to join a reputable professional PR body such The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) and International Public Relations Association (IPRA).

Finally, you do not need to go outside your current employment to get a job in PR as every organization more or less practices some form of PR, you can start by applying to work within the PR department of your bank. That way your 10yrs banking experience interacting with customers will come in handy, as you have first-hand skills in dealing with your company's publics. 

Good luck!

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